fuck ya
fuck ya
Fuck ya toe
Absolutely amazing, would rate 10 more stars if I could
Omg is that Weezer Crashers I see :O
Your art is really cool, love how you you used 2 separate influences to create this. Keep it up!
Yo, thanks a ton man. Yea using references for anything you ain't sure bout or even just for inspiration is always the way to go. Def helps to improve your art skill when you have a basic foundation to work off of.
Ratchet & Clank is one of my fav childhood franchises that I grew up on with my now busted up PS2 so finding this pose to use as a base for one of my other fav franchises just went hand in hand, I think.
This took quite a bit to put together and I def agonised over specific details that I could've improved on but by the end I liked how it turned out. Gonna be posting more sketches and art pieces that I like from my sketchbook over time so thanks again for comin by to check these out man.
Nice song and nice artwork :)
Look it's Phil, hi Phil
you can read the title in the url, otherwise nah.
Good piece btw, the mech is probably one of the coolest I've seen on NG because of the mesh of robotic and organic. Both the robotic and organic components of the mech look super good. The teeth and arm hole in particular are so cool, but it's also the metal and the smoke coming out of the exhaust that contrast so well and make the piece so visually interesting. Not to mention the dude ripped in half on the floor adds a whole 'nother level of intrigue and mystery.
Really cool art, keep up the amazing work, and hope you have a good day.
Thank you so much! I‘ve always been a big fan of such biomachine aesthetics haha; I’m happy to hear!
So weird and intriguing, the mix-media feel really adds to that. Excellent work.
YES, I am loving The Noise's expression. This artwork is fantastic!
All around us you see the monstrous offspring of insanity, impudence, ineptitude and sheer degeneracy. What this exhibition
offers inspires horror and disgust in us all
Grimbo Jimbo
Cartooning Teen
Joined on 2/16/21