All around us you see the monstrous offspring of insanity, impudence, ineptitude and sheer degeneracy. What this exhibition
offers inspires horror and disgust in us all

Max "Grimbo" Nightmare @GoofyNutNightmare

Grimbo Jimbo

Cartooning Teen


Joined on 2/16/21

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GoofyNutNightmare's News

Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - 2 weeks ago

I've gotten 2 people now asking how my last piece, DESTINED, was made. I figured a news post would be the best way of sharing that process, mostly to share screenshots to help illustrate my point.

On a technical level, the effect going on in the artwork is real simple. I'll break it down into 2 parts, provide as much insight as I can. If there's any questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer.

The Shading Experiment

So DESTINED is very much a continuation of the style experimentation that I first showed off in I am not real, here it is just for reference. iu_1366853_8658297.webp

At the core of both artworks is an exploration of shading techniques, in both cases for the purpose of pushing the themes/tones of dysfunction or instability. In I am not real, you can definitely see the scribble technique being used to illustrate all the values (Definition of Value: the lightness or darkness of a color or shade).


You might notice by looking over some of these different shading techniques, such as hatching, contour, stippling, scribbling, etc, a basic concept that you can express the darkest values by tightly packing together markings and the lightest values through negative space (aka white space).

So with that concept in mind, let's look at the first draft of DESTINED:


With DESTINED, I wanted to work with a black background so I had to flip some aspects of the process I developed in I am not real. I already had all the dark values I needed with the black background, so instead of putting down darkness, I needed to put down light. With a white brush, I put more strokes together in the brightest parts and decreased the amount of strokes in darker areas. I also wanted to try out a different iteration of the shading technique, so I tried angling all of the strokes in the same direction to more closely match a hatching technique. Trying this technique gave this really cool texture to play around with.

The great thing about this technique is that it thrives in how messy it is. Forms don't have to be super precise, you can just scribble and you're already heading in a decent direction. It's pretty beginner friendly.

ALSO, I should mention that there were references used for both I am not real and DESTINED. I am not nearly skilled enough to do this shit from imagination, at least not yet.

Ok, next up.


So you might be lookin at the final form of our lil character, and wonder what's givin them that umm.. meaty texture? I don't quite know what to call it.


Well the answer is revealed if we take a closer look. JARVIS CRUSH HIS BAL- I mean. Enhance!


See it yet? No? Aright, enhance! AGAIN!


Do you see it? It's a really simple thing. All I did was copy and paste the first layer, shift it over a pixel and recolor it. It took some finicking around with layer order, colors, and positioning to get the best result but the technique itself is really really simple. Here's some more screenshots for more clarity.

Initial white layer:


2nd white layer (makes the white pop more):


Lighter reds (Looking closely there's 2 colors added in there, I must have merged 2 layers at some point):


Final darker red layer:


This technique of copying, pasting, shifting, and recoloring is a developed evolution of the basic technique of adding text shadow, an easy way to add more dimension to text. Again, really really simple technique to add to your tool kit of shit to play around with.

And there you have it, add in some scratches in the background for ✨AESTHETICS✨, spend 2 months trying to come up with text to put on the piece (yes I did the very on brand thing of taking WAY TOO FUCKING LONG to do the simplest shit, I would try explaining why it took so long but honestly it's both boring and stupid), come up with the text after having a shitshow of a conversation with my mother, and post!


As we close out this post, here's my yearly reminder that I'm not going to kill myself. Please remember that my art may be depressing as shit sometimes but this is how I heal. Something something "art comforts the disturbed", you already know. I got a long journey ahead of me but I'm ready to take it on. Thanks to anyone who has expressed concern for my well-being, I do appreciate it. And thanks to anyone who has supported my art, I don't really envision a "career" resulting from the work I post online but the lil bits and pieces of support is heartwarming. This will always be a hobby of mine no matter the crowd watching, but I appreciate you tagging along either way.

See you around!


ps: The morning after I set up the upload for DESTINED, I had another conversation with my mother that was mostly going in the same shitshow ass direction as most of our "serious" conversations. But something really amazing happened that I wouldn't have ever expected happening. I'm not gonna elaborate too much but after the conversation there was a small feeling of release within my soul, a certain weight lifted off my shoulders. Is everything in my mind fixed? Hell no. But a certain trauma got addressed and somewhat treated. What was that trauma? None of your beeswax, maybe I'll tell you in some angsty fuckin song or some shit. Just further evidence to let you know that I'm doing fine and also it's kinda funny that this happens RIGHT after I post this whole message about nothing ever changing. I guess that's the universe telling me I'm wrong eh?


Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - April 25th, 2024

On Sunday, I returned to Hammer_Space to grind out some speedruns. Within a few hours I reclaimed the any% and no-damage wr from Nintendude who took the 1st place on both of those a few months back. I am (for now) the king of Hammer_Space once again. Feels good man.

Check out the runs:

Any% [1:18.290]

No-Damage [1:18.391]

Highly recommend you check out the game itself, super cool game that you can try for free:


Heck maybe YOU can take the wr. Try me.


Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - October 7th, 2023

Alright some news for what's happening rn in my life.

Grinch's Ultimatum Reanimation Collab

For those who don't know, I'm currently trying to get a Reanimation Collab for Pilotredsun's Grinch's Ultimatum off of the ground. The goal is to have the final project release around Christmas 2023.


The project welcomes animators of all-skill levels. If you have no experience in animation but are willing to put in the effort, this can be the project for you! If you have the experience and are looking for a fun project to work on, this project also can be for you!

If you are at all interested in the project, check out the community post:


If you wanna apply for the project, here's a link to the application:


Remember, any skill levels are welcomed. APPLICATIONS ARE FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE.

That's the biggest piece of news, in other news...

thiccburger playlist Vol. 2

The long awaited playlist no one asked for is finally here! Look I'm sure the number of people that actually care is minimal (that is if they even exist), but I put quite a bit of time in putting this together. 37 excellent tracks, more than triple Vol. 1, all by the fabulous @thiccburger. The variety of music is a lot better this time around, lot's of different feels from joyful to sad to YOOO DIS SHIT BUSSIN. It took a while picking all of the tracks and then ordering the music so that it flowed like an album, but it was a lot of fun. More than anything though go check out and support Thiccburger. I love his music and honestly think a dude like him deserves so much more attention.

Link to the playlist:

Filling up my first sketch book

Some might find this confusing since I haven't shared a on paper doodle dump since March, but yes I still have been drawing with pencil and paper. It's just been that I haven't really been obligated to share any of my doodles in a while, it just feels pointless really. Most people don't care too much about rough ideas on a paper, they wanna see those ideas developed into a proper artwork. Ultimately I might share some doodles every once in a while, but not nearly as much as I was back in 2021 (jeez there is just a fuckin chunk of 2021 where I was only sharing doodles lol).

Anyways I got side-tracked there, I've almost filled up the sketchbook that I got Christmas of 2022 (thx Mom). It's awesome having this filled sketchbook. For one thing, flipping through the pages evokes memories of the times and places that I was drawing. The drawings reflect not only what I found interesting to learn/draw but also my mental state at the time, both the highs and the lows. It's cool, it acts like a journal except I don't have to force myself to do it since I already enjoy filling it (I say that cuz I have had many journals that I abandoned over the years simply because I never could commit to them). Secondly, the completion of this sketchbook is a sign as my growth and commitment as an artist. For a long time, my drawings were always on loose paper and would often be thrown away. It's not like I hated my art, I just never felt truly proud. But over the years, I've become more and more proud of my art and in turn, me. This year especially has been a year sprinkled with more moments of "yah, you know, maybe I do deserve this". It's something that I've always fought with, this feeling of I am nothing and deserve nothing. I still get that feeling, but I feel the shift in my soul toward a healthier view of myself. It still needs work but I can pat myself on the back for now.

90 fans :0

Wooooooooooooooooooooooah, I'm such a cool hotshot and got such big dick energy :000000000000000. I don't really have much to say other than thank you. Any and all support is greatly appreciated. I would be doing all of this no matter the number of fans, but I still appreciate it. ALSO SHOUTOUT @MALTI, HE COOL AF. HE GOT AN REVIEW ON THE NEWEST EARL SWEATSHIRT ALBUM UP ON HIS NEWS, I HAVEN'T HEARD THE ALBUM YET, BUT I'M STILL SAYING THIS CUZ MALTI COOL YOU KNOW. OK ANYWAYS BYE, HAVE A GOOD DAY. THANKS FOR READING MY STUPID NEWS :)))))))))))


Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - September 24th, 2023


To reanimate all 22 shots of PilotRedSun’s Grinch's Ultimatum, giving each shot a unique style, and have it completed by Christmas time 2023. 


Submission Rules:

Link to all Submission Rules:



Each animator can apply for a maximum of 2 shots. All skill-levels are welcomed to join. APPLICATIONS ARE FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. 

Link to application: 


View available shots:


Keep in mind that all submission needs to be completed by December 16th to give enough time for the final collab video to be edited together.

If the shots you apply for have been claimed by someone else beforehand, you will receive a NG dm from me asking you to repick your shots. If you do not receive a dm from me by October 15th, then the collab is most likely filled. 

If you have any questions about the collab feel free to leave a comment or message me. I will try to respond as soon as I can. 


Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - August 6th, 2023

2 quick update on some stuff I've done

First, I picked up speedrunning a game called Hammer_Space. Hammer_Space is a short indie game/demo that uses going out of bounds as an actual game mechanic. I first heard about it from FUNKe's video on Self-Aware Game Mechanics.


So there are three reasons why I started speedrunning Hammer_Space. First, I've always wanted to try my hand at speedrunning. I've watched a lot of Summoning Salt and have been interested in speedrunning for a while now. Second, the game is really really short. If a run doesn't workout, restarting is not as frustrating compared to some longer games. Finally, I really really think Hammer_Space is cool af. Already the concept in of itself is sick, but it's just so fun to play. Hammer_Space turns a game that was canonically supposed to be a fps and turns it into an awesome first person platformer where u go through walls, hop over voids, and bonk enemies with a big hammer.

Highly recommend that anyone reading this tries out the game. You can play it for free:

Hammer_Space Itchio Page

I love it so much in fact, I GOT WORLD RECORD FOR ALL THE CATEGORIES (lol). Fr tho, u can check the Hammer_Space page on speedrun.com rn and I'm on top for all 3 categories. Super proud of that. And hey, if my records get taken by someone else, I'll be more than happy to hop back on Hammer_Space to take them back. I just love the game that much.

You can check out all 3 runs right here:

Hammer_Space Any% Speedrun [1:19.231]

Hammer_Space 100% Speedrun [2:12.737]

Hammer_Space No-Damage Speedrun [1:21.601]

Alright, secondly: I'm in a another collab! The "Loss" Collab just dropped today and I got an artwork in there. I went for a Hotel Mario theme for my artwork, I just think Hotel Mario is really funny and love it for it's presence in YTP. Super fun collab, really enjoyed making the artwork cuz of how different it is compared to what I usually make.

PLEASE CHECK OUT THE COLLAB. A big part of what made this collab so fun for me was seeing everyone's artwork and all the creative ways people used the Loss format. A lot of cool artworks, a great mix of silly and serious.

A link to the collab:

A link to my submission:

Anyways, thanks for reading through all this. Love all ya Newgrounders. Got some ideas in the works, stay tuned.

Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - July 15th, 2023

Despite what the title of the latest artwork I posted might suggest, I AM NOT SUICIDAL lol.

Yes I admit I was in a really depressing mood when I started the artwork but I was and still am in fact not close to ever attempting suicide. The artwork was an expression of every thought of frustration, anxiety, despair, etc that has been following me for a bit now. The artwork was also heavily inspired by the song linked on the post which is what I listened to on loop when starting the artwork and where I got the name of the artwork from.

I just want to clarify that I am safe and that there is no need to worry about me.

Frankly, because of the song and artwork, I feel better now. I was able to get my feeling out in the open. I was able to give my feelings a tangible form that I can study and understand.

I feel like I have finally made something that has been able to combine vent art with good design. Everything I drew felt like it had a purpose and everything for the first time ever seemed to click into place just as I imagined it. It feels really fuckin good. This is most definitely my favorite artwork I've ever posted on this site and maybe even EVER made.

so ya thx for reading my news post. Stay safe, make sure to keep in touch with friends, remember life is beautiful, see ya :)

(also 69 FANS NOICE)

Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - June 15th, 2023

So it's been a while since I made a news post but I wanted to make this to share a music video for one of my favorite music artists, Lil Darkie.

Just the other day an official mv was released for the song MONEY POWER FAME, here's a link to that:



It was animated by the talented Liven & Limel Productions and it is truly Liven's most awesome work yet. Also, if you are a fan of the Lil Darkie AMVs, go and support Liven's videos. He has some great behind the scenes for the Lil Darkie AMVs that are not only interesting but also provide helpful tips and insight into the animation process.

UPDATE: Liven released a behind the scenes for the mv literally just now, go check it out



Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - July 31st, 2022

yo whattup, it's ya boi, Blankminded.

Just posted my submission for the Summer Lovin Animation Loop Jam. It's been a while since I animated anything since I was a little discouraged after my last few tries at animating (we don't talk about Pico Day 2021 around here), but I'm feelin more in the animating mood after completing this. The project was a pretty good learning experience and though the finished product is admittedly not that great (I had a few "o shit" moments throughout it), I don't expect this to be my last animation. I have a few ideas in mind and even if I never make a full movie submission again, I want to incorporate some simple animation into my artworks. Give it that little smidge of extra personality.

Quick side note, I've recently followed @graskip and I really love his work. When I say "incorporate some simple animation into my artworks", I'm mostly thinking of his animated art. Here are 2 examples that I really like:

Anyways, you can find my jam submission riiiiiiight... Here:

Also, CHECK OUT @thiccburger! I really like his music and I linked one of his songs in my submission for the jam. Give both @graskip and @thiccburger some love, they deserve it.

Oki, bye bye now! Hope you don't get gum on shoe, or something like dat idk bye.



Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - July 15th, 2022

Took a quick trip into the portal and found some great shit. And when I say "shit", I mean it quite literally.

btw, this last ones has a dick in it so viewer discretion advised ig

(pls support the original creators, leave a rating, comment, favorite, follow, whatever)


Posted by GoofyNutNightmare - July 9th, 2022

sup, it's been a while. Been going to some summer camps, they were alright. Just haven't had really anything good to post on Newgrounds for a while. That is UNTIL NOW *cool explosions and shit yeye hype*. Just posted 3 artworks. You can go check them out in the art tab.


In other news, I also have picked up a video editor on my phone and have been using it to make some Youtube vids. Any vids (that are public anyways) are going up on the Goofy Nut Nightmare channel. Please check it out, would be really cool if you did. Got some more stuff in store for that channel so stay tuned.


And on a final note, just noticed that my Saves number on Newgrounds has just reached 100. A little insane.


Btw if you have never taken a look at the new submissions on NG I highly recommend doing so. It can be a fun way to kill some time. You will find shit, but it's fun crushing the dreams of lil' children. Heck, there's also a possibility that you'll find something amazing, and that feeling when you do is an awesome feeling. Again highly recommend that you do, it's a uniquely Newgrounds thing to do, and I love it.